Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The sad true, a boring town.

Kizu-cho, Kyoto

Today finally I got my project so at least now I have a goal here, I have to say its kind of weird doing nothing in that place where everybody looks to be doing something.

Things haven't changed since the last time I wrote this log, Kizu-cho and the Takanohara area has nothing interesting to do at night but a couple of restaurants and ... That's it.

A couple of days ago we went to Nara city to this bar called Rumors which apparently is for foreigners, needless to say it was as dead as a cemetery, a couple of not-too-bad/not-so-hot girls were there, although we had a good time playing darts and oh! Getting drunk (which I did with just a couple of beers). Last night we did nothing just hang out at home so as today, this place has no night life, however we already have a couple of reunions, one set by Yuki for next week (Yuki is the guy that crashed in our place on Monday) and the other by our Japanese teacher.

Speaking of whom, we started to take a Japanese class which is quite fun, its being held a couple of towns away but its worth it, we get to know a lot of people and its better than staying at home watching bad translated news.

Sending postcards was quite cheap, about 70 yen a postcard and the people in the post office was quite nice, actually front desk people here is really friendly, I love how the cashiers talk and talk and talk when their getting your money, probably they're apologizing for ... Whatever, they apologize for everything, but its quite an spectacle, I should tape them.

Lets hope the weekend has some more life than this past few days.

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