Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Do not forget what you are here for

Kizu-cho, Kyoto.

There is no much to tell today, probably because im getting tired of writting this log everyday or probably because somehow im getting used to living here.

Yesterday we finally went to ATR, I have to say that I missed the bus in the morning and I had to take a Cab to get there and which charged me 16 dollars for a 10 minutes ride. The place is amazing, really relaxed and with a lot of space, the cafeteria is one of the highlights of the place, it has good food and is cheap, also it has outdoor chairs and a tea room. The lab is impressive for the amount of projects they have currently running, the guys are geeks like me but they are nice.

Last night we went to a type of bar with the guys from the office, it was actually a big table where we all sat on the floor in a tatami, they served us a lot of food in tiny dishes and the beer came from small kegs in an "all you can drink, self serve" fashion. The food was really good, I tried bamboo, sashimi and a bunch of stuff that i cant remember the names. It was fun to talk to the guys from the lab, I think it was a good idea to get to know each other, we had to introduce ourselves like in middle school though.

I have to leave because we're going to the town hall for a registration process and we have to open our bank accounts and oh! of course work.

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